Drums and tips blog.

Welcome to DrumSolutions! A growing drumming community accessible to everyone.

baterista en concierto
baterista en concierto

Drum Blog

At Drum Solutions, we share lessons, tutorials and tablature for drummers of all levels. Our mission is to make learning drums accessible and fun for everyone, join our community and improve your skills!

a small wooden drum with a string wrapped around it
a small wooden drum with a string wrapped around it
brown and black drum kit
brown and black drum kit
man playing drum set on stage
man playing drum set on stage

About me

At DrumSolutions, my mission is to share my "drumming" knowledge with as many people as possible. I started in the world of music like almost everyone else, without knowing where to start and without a teacher, so if I can help someone who feels as lost as I do, I will have fulfilled my purpose.

Drum Articles

Discover tips, exercises and sheet music to improve your drumming.

grayscale photography of man playing drums
grayscale photography of man playing drums
person playing drums
person playing drums
black and white drum near white wall
black and white drum near white wall
a close up of a drum on a white background
a close up of a drum on a white background


a close up of a drum on a white background
a close up of a drum on a white background

If you have any questions or suggestions, write to me and I will be happy to help you!